por Mikeboix Vie Nov 08, 2019 10:35 pm
Actualizo con el nuevo link de descarga de la nueva versión 1.52:
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]Hace falta tener la última versión de warband y activar la opción de "cargar texturas sobre demanda".
En resumen, esta versión tra estos cambios:
-Variosnuevos tipos nuevosde grupos de bandidos en el mapa
-Nuevas armas, armaduras, escudos y caballos.
-Nuevos edificios construíbles (herrería y empalizada)
-Muchos arreglos de bugs y mejoras varias
Changelog completo (inglés):
- Spoiler:
Some important notes:
- You need the latest Warband version for it to work.
- You need to enable Load textures on Demand
- For different Roman faction colors copy paste the "factions.txt" file from "Bellum Imperii 1.5.2\Different Roman Faction Colors file" to the Bellum Imperii 1.5.2 folder.
- It is not savegame compatible
Changelog 1.5.2 (also included in the rar file)
Added - Jewish bandits around Jerusalem (bandit parties)
Added - Illyrian Bandits around Salona (bandit parties)
Added - Nubian Raiders around Memphis (bandit parties)
Added - Kushan Raiders around Aspahan (bandit parties)
Added - Small intro before character creation
Added - New shirts that were not used from the brf’s.
Added - New Dacian mail
Added - New Dacian shields
Added - New Roman shirts
Added - New German shirts & pants
Added - New Briton shirts & pants
Added - Goat helmets
Added - New German shields
Added - New African shields
Added - New Eastern shields
Added - New Eastern helmets
Added - More horse variants to the shops
Added - More axe, spear and sword variants for the Germanic and Briton factions.
Added - Head clothing to Parthian Horseman & Horse Archers
Added - New buildings (Blacksmith & Palisades)
Added - More helmet variants to greek mercs
Re-added - Carthage and Spartan equipment (Not historical, for anyone’s personal use)
Changed - Starting background Legionnaire Warrior to be more general used.
Changed - Starting background Senator to Noble with the same reason as stated above ^
Changed - Roman army compositions (More recruits and legionnaires, less praetorians and arm legionaries)
Changed - Re-done the majority of the weapon prices and stats (damages).
Changed - Various town economies
Changed - Roman troop faces (no more beards)
Changed - Roman recruit troop clothes
Changed - Roman aux troop clothes
Changed - All the shields of the Roman factions to somewhat match their faction.
Changed - Overhauling all troop levels
Changed - Increased Dacian falxmen stats
Changed - Roman Faction colours based on their troop clothing (Optional with file)
Changed - Rugii & Jazy faction colours
Changed - Popup text when on the campaign map.
Changed - Main menu back to older and better version.
Changed - Escape menu
Changed - Roman troop stats, mainly lowering wps
Changed - All archers / skirmishers wp so they don’t only have archery or throwing wp
Changed - Parthian troop faces
Fixed - German troop faces
Fixed - Arena scene prop in German towns
Fixed - Roman Tribune & Chain armors (invisible body)
Fixed - Enterprises (Enterprises popup on the income list, can build them in all towns)
Fixed - Player having an enormous family
Fixed - Lord’s name changes to strings
Fixed - German building props with bugged roof textures
Fixed - Double textured trees
Fixed - Recruiters not moving
Fixed - Freelancer Promotions
Fixed - Player clones when defending village against bandits
Fixed - (Workaround) Continuous Lady courtship error popping up
Fixed - Battle size back to normal (30 -> 150, can be adjusted with the battle sizer tool)
Fixed - Ordering errors
Fixed - Debug report Carthago having to many trade routes
Fixed - OP Woman head cloth
Fixed - Not being able to move on the campaign map further west and north
Fixed - Background after capturing a town or castle being white.
Fixed - Londinium hall scene
Fixed - Clipping errors with the footwear and clothes
Fixed - OP swords in tournaments
Removed - Double lances on Parthian horsemen
Removed - Generalum Superbo
Removed - Unnecessary textures / files
Removed - (Temp) The not working buildings, including the academy. Until a fix is found.
Removed - Some left over Calradia mentionings
Removed - Native dress in Eastern shops
Removed - Couple of native Khergit helmets
Removed - Native woman clothes being used on troops